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CFSS consultation services providers

Below is a list of contracted consultation services providers. All of them will provide services statewide. When Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) launches, consultation services providers will educate people about CFSS, support them in writing their service delivery plan, review their plan and provide ongoing support as needed.

All information is self-reported by the provider. If a consultation services provider does not have a staff member who speaks the language a person needs, the provider must supply an interpreter.

Organization Address Phone Email Languages Enrolled?
Alliance Health Services 2260 Cliff Road, Eagan, MN 55122 651-895-8030 English Yes
Arc Northland 222 E. Superior St., #302, Duluth, MN 55802 218-726-4724 English Yes
Asura 2701 University Ave. SE, Suite 202, Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-416-2291 English, Hmong, Spanish Yes
Community First Consultation Services 3249 19th St. NW, Suite 3, Rochester, MN 55901 855-800-7033 English, Spanish, Mandarin, Somali, South Sudanese Dinka, Arabic, Lao, Oromo, Amharic, Tigrigna, Khmer, Karenic Yes
Country Services Inc. 16995 Enfield Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 651-270-5903 English, Somali Yes
Cross Cultural Homecare Inc. 1090 Earl St., St. Paul, MN 55106 651-226-4433 English, Hmong, Lao Yes
Fenyx Community Consultation Inc. 1356 7th St. E., St. Paul, MN 55106 651-358-3059 English, Hmong, Lao, Thai, Karen, Spanish, Khmer, Vietnamese Yes
Global Health Link Inc. 2277 Highway 36W, Suite 300, Roseville, MN 55113 651-650-3680 English, Somali, Arabic Yes
Harry Meyering Center 109 Homestead Road, Mankato, MN 56001 507-387-9877 English, Spanish Yes
HealthMax Home Health Care Services 8001 Highway 7, Suite 200, St. Louis Park, MN 55426 763-575-8045 English Yes
MAITEE 1358 7th St. E., St. Paul, MN 55106 651-999-3965 English, Hmong, Karen, Kareni, Somali, Oromo, Arabic, Lao, Thai Yes
Metropolitan Community Services 7900 Excelsior Blvd., Suite 200, Hopkins, MN 55343 952-658-8995 English, Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Turkish, Azeri, Spanish, German Yes
MRCI 1750 Energy Drive, Mankato, MN 56001 507-386-5679 English Yes
Orion ISO 9400 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-299-6676 English Yes
Pinnacle Services 724 Central Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-977-3100 English Yes
Public Partnerships (PPL) 445 Minnesota St., Suite 1500, St. Paul, MN 55101 833-598-6637 English Yes
Professional Service Group 1983 Sloan Place, Suite 16, Maplewood, MN 55117 800-497-6194 English, Spanish, Somali, Arabic, Hmong Yes
St. David's Center 3395 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-548-8682 or 844-320-5202 Languages requested Yes

Suggested consultation services questions for people who use CFSS

All people who use CFSS must select a consultation services provider. You select the consultation services provider. Lead agencies cannot select the consultation services provider for you. You may contact a consultation services provider to learn more about the services they provide and how they may best serve your individual and unique needs.

Note: You cannot use the same provider for consultation services that you use as your PCA/CFSS provider agency or your financial management services (FMS) provider.

Example questions

Below are some possible questions you might ask a consultation services provider to help you decide:

  • Will I be assigned an individual staff person to work with me?
  • Do you have staff who know languages other than English?
  • Do you have staff with special expertise in my culture or tribal nation?
  • Do you have staff with special expertise in my needs and preferences? (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, autism, seniors, immigrants, etc.)
  • How soon can you schedule an initial meeting?

Other considerations

  • If you prefer to meet in person, you might want to ask where their office is located.
  • If you prefer to meet remotely, you might want to ask which remote methods they use to meet.
  • Ask any other questions that are important to you.
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