Instructions for the employment services revenue estimator tool
This page accompanies the employment services Projected weekly revenue calculator (XLS). It covers the purpose of the tool, important data definitions, how to use the tool and troubleshooting tips for resolving potential errors.
DHS developed the employment services revenue estimator tool at the request of DWRS service providers. Providers may choose to use this tool. DHS does not require providers to use this tool.
The tool may be used to estimate weekly revenues for disability waiver participants who use the following DWRS employment services:
- Employment exploration
- Employment supports
- Employment development
- Day treatment and habilitation (DT&H)
- Prevocational services
Market rate transportation is also included as a potential component that may be added to each person’s weekly revenue.
Note: You may not use this tool to calculate rates, as it is not a calculation tool. The Rate Management System determines all final rates for DWRS services.