Program info
MinnesotaCare is a health care program for Minnesotans with low incomes. To find out whether you qualify for MinnesotaCare, you must apply.
Enrollees get health care services through a health plan. You can choose your health plan from those serving MinnesotaCare enrollees in your county.
MinnesotaCare is funded by a state tax on Minnesota hospitals and health care providers, federal Basic Health Program funding and enrollee premiums.
The information on this page does not cover all program rules.
To qualify, you:
- Must live in Minnesota
- Must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.
- Must have income at or below the income limit
- Must not be enrolled in or have access to Medicare Part A
- Must not be enrolled In Medicare Part B
- Must not be incarcerated, unless you are awaiting disposition of charges
What is the income limit?
The income limit (PDF) and whose income is counted depend on who lives with you and who you include on your federal income tax return, if you file taxes.
What is the asset limit?
There is no asset limit for MinnesotaCare. Assets are items like cars, checking and savings accounts, your home and financial investments.
What if I have or can get other insurance?
You cannot qualify for MinnesotaCare if you have other health insurance. You cannot qualify if you can get certain types of coverage.
MinnesotaCare pays for a variety of services like doctor visits, prescriptions and hospital stays. Coverage may be different for children, pregnant women, and other adults. Also, some services and prescriptions may require prior approval.
If you apply and MinnesotaCare is approved, you will get more details about covered services after you enroll in a health plan.
What does coverage cost?
Most enrollees pay a monthly premium. Your premium amount is based on your family’s income, family size and the number of people covered. The following enrollees have no premium:
- Children under the age of 21.
- American Indians and Alaska Natives and their households.
- Members of the military who become eligible for MinnesotaCare within 24 months after completing active duty, and their households. These MinnesotaCare members do not pay premiums for 12 months.
- Effective through December 31, 2025, people in a household that has a combined annual income less than 160 percent of the federal poverty limit.
When does coverage start?
Coverage starts the first day of the month after you pay your premium. If you do not have a premium, coverage starts the first day of the month after your application is approved.
You may apply for MinnesotaCare at any time during the year. There are multiple ways to apply:
Some people should not apply for Minnesota Health Care Programs coverage through MNsure. Learn about how to apply for people with disabilities, children in foster care and seniors.