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MnCHOICES is a computer application used by counties, tribal nations and managed care organizations to support their assessment and support planning work for Minnesotans who need long-term services and supports (LTSS), regardless of age, type of disability or service needs.

Certified assessors, care coordinators and case managers work with people of any age with a disability or anyone in need of long-term services and supports. They use MnCHOICES to discuss your preferences and the supports you need to live a good life. Your responses determine eligibility for a number of public programs, including home and community-based services waivers and Community First Services and Supports. Its rules-based system ensures that everyone is treated equitably.

To improve the state's long-term services and supports assessment and support planning process, DHS worked with FEI Systems to develop the MnCHOICES computer application. The application:

  • Eliminates the need for multiple assessments to receive needed supports and services.
  • Helps you choose how you want to live, learn, work and play through the assessment and support-planning process.
  • Ensures consistency and equal access to services and supports statewide.
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