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Licensed child care centers

This page has information specific to licensed child care centers. Licensed child care centers are generally characterized by a location other than the provider’s or caregiver’s home, with larger numbers of children being cared for, and requirements for staff qualifications and training.

Licensing child care helps protect the health and safety of children by requiring that providers meet minimum standards for care and physical environment. The Department of Human Services is responsible for licensing and monitoring child care centers for compliance with licensing requirements. 

Information on how to obtain a child care center license

In Minnesota, a child care provider is required by state law to obtain a license to operate a child care center unless the provider meets an exemption in state law. Licensure provides the necessary oversight to ensure child care is provided in a healthy and safe environment, by qualified people, and meets the developmental needs of all children in care. Information and resources are available about the process of applying for a child care center license.

News and updates

Find details about recent changes in Licensing below. For previously published items visit the archives pageSubscribe to receive licensing news updates.

Provider Hub

The Provider Hub is the online system to manage existing licenses and apply for new licenses. The Provider Hub is available to providers 24/7 and is accessible on mobile devices, tablets, and computers. The Provider Hub supports English, Somali, Spanish, and Hmong languages.

The Provider Hub allows child care providers to:

  • Manage existing licensed centers, including requesting changes and submitting information for the annual license review
  • Apply for a license for a new center
  • Add additional users to access program information
Most of the information about how to use the Provider Hub is in the Hub itself. For resources about how to find that information, or about how to log in or begin an application in the Provider Hub, visit Provider Hub: Getting started.

Contact information

Where can I find child care regulations for licensed child care centers?

Whether you’re a license holder, educator, parent or interested resident, you may be interested in the specific regulations that pertain to licensed child care centers. The Licensing Statutes and Rules for Child Care Centers provide standards for regulated child care providers to ensure minimum health and safety standards are met. 

To reference Minnesota statutes, laws or rules that license holders are required to know and comply with, you can search directly on the website of the Office of the Revisor of Statutes.

The site is updated after each legislative session, as updates or changes to requirements occur. 

Within the site, you can use the Search Law by Keyword feature to find specific topics. The Authenticate PDF feature allows you to create a printable PDF of any law. 

The following rules and statutes guide licensing activities for licensed child care centers: 

Note: Hyperlinks to Minnesota Statutes on this webpage and within the Department of Human Services (DHS) forms have been impacted by the Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes website updates related to the new Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF). The licensing and certification requirements remain the same, only the location of where to find them is changing. This document outlines where requirements are currently found and where they will be found in the new chapter of statute. The new statute locations will be effective after child care licensing, child care certification, and child foster care licensing transfer from DHS to DCYF (anticipated June 2025).

Legislative changes

This summary contains general information about statutory changes made in the previous years that impact DHS licensed programs, including licensed child care centers. Implementation plans are created to provide detailed information regarding specific changes for licensed child care centers, when needed.

Background studies


Health and safety


Forms and other documents

Licensing inspections and processes


A variance may be granted by the Commissioner for requirements in licensing rules that do not affect the health or safety of persons in a licensed program if certain conditions are met.

All variance requests must be submitted in the Provider Hub. General variance requests are submitted on the Variance tab. Staff variance requests are submitted on the Personnel tab.

All variance requests are submitted to licensors for approval. If further action is required by the provider, the licensor will send the provider an email notification. The variance review and approval can be seen by the provider within the Provider Hub.


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