This is only a partial list of Web resources. To find more resources online, go to You may also visit the Disability Hub MN online or call 1-866-333-2466.
Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs National, member-based organization, comprised of state Assistive Technology Act Programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act). The Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act (Tech Act) facilitates the development, evaluation, application and delivery of assistive technology devices and services.
Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology COAT's primary goal is to ensure that legislative and regulatory safeguards are in place so people with disabilities have access to evolving high speed broadband, wireless, and other Internet-based technologies.
Star Program Supported by funds from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and State of Minnesota, STAR works closely with consumers and providers to develop a network of resources related to technology assistance across the state.
Trace Research and Development Center Publications, guides and discussion groups on the topic of assistive technology. The Trace Center is currently working on ways to make standard information technologies and telecommunications systems more accessible and usable by people with disabilities.
United States Access Board A federal agency committed to accessible design. The site includes a page of Disability Related Organizations.
World Wide Web Consortium The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software and tools) to lead the web to its full potential.