In addition to economic support and health care, the Minnesota Department of Human Services provides many services to help Minnesotans.
Adult protection
Minnesota strives to ensure safe environments and services for vulnerable adults and encourages reporting of suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults.
Deaf and hard of hearing
DHS serves people who are deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened or deafblind as well as their families, providers, employers and businesses.
Direct care and treatment
DHS operates a highly specialized health care system for people with mental illness, substance abuse disorders, developmental disabilities and other needs.
Gambling problems
DHS helps people with gambling problems and their families connect to treatment resources.
Refugee programs
This program coordinates services to assist refugees in making the transition to life in the United States.
Sex offender treatment
The Minnesota Sex Offender Program provides comprehensive services to individuals who have been civilly committed by the courts to receive sex offender treatment.
Social Security Advocacy Services
Social Security advocates can help people with disabilities apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI).