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Session fact sheet archive
2024 legislative session fact sheets
2023 legislative session fact sheets
2022 legislative session fact sheets
- Investment and policy focus on behavioral health care, opioids, foster care, homelessness (PDF) (July 2022)
- Behavioral health: Building capacity to serve people in crisis (PDF) (July 2022)
- Competency restoration: Strengthening mental health care, improving public safety (PDF) (July 2022)
- Budget strengthens critical human services for Minnesotans (PDF) (March 2022)
- Revitalizing Minnesota’s direct support workforce (PDF) (March 2022)
- Stabilizing child care providers, improving families’ access to child care (PDF) (March 2022)
- Improving access to comprehensive, affordable health care coverage (PDF) (March 2022)
- Making health care coverage more accessible and affordable (PDF) (March 2022)
- Minimizing disruption in health care after the federal COVID-19 emergency (PDF) (March 2022)
- Expanding housing services, strengthening efforts to address homelessness (PDF) (March 2022)
- Ensuring better access to food, enhancing Minnesotans’ food security (PDF) (March 2022)
- Expanding access to behavioral health care for children and adults (PDF) (March 2022)
- Strengthening families and reducing the need for out-of-home placements (PDF) (March 2022)
- Stabilizing economic relief for Minnesotans with low incomes (PDF) (March 2022)
- Improving compliance, regulation and human service delivery (PDF) (March 2022)
- Investing in safe, high-quality early learning facilities (PDF) (February 2022)
- Adding space for court-ordered transfers of sex offenders (PDF) (February 2022)
- Improving treatment space in Minnesota’s direct care facilities (PDF) (February 2022)
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