Pharmacy prior authorization and other resources
Refer to these drug and other pharmacy resources for additional information.
For drugs requiring prior authorization (PA), contact the Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) prescription drug PA agent at 866-205-2818 (phone) or 866-648-4574 (fax).
Prior authorization forms and instructions
Additional resources
Committees and meeting notices
Contact information
- Senior LinkAge Line: 800-333-2433
- Disability Hub MN (formerly Disability Linkage Line): 866-333-2466
- Chad Hope, PharmD, Deputy Director, Health Care Purchasing and Service Delivery
- Mary Beth Reinke, Pharm.D., MSA, Drug Utilization Review Coordinator
- Aaron Drake, RPh, VBC Program Lead Pharmacist
- Dave Hoang, PharmD, MBA, Clinical Pharmacist
- Sharon Rosenblum, PharmD, Drug Rebate Coordinator, 340B