Home and community-based services providers
Home and community-based services (HCBS) include several provider types that are grouped on this page. Refer to each provider type for information that is specific to those providers. Refer to the MHCP provider types list for information about any other provider types.
If you are a Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) member looking for a provider, you can search our MHCP Provider Directory of fee-for-service providers. If you are enrolled in a health plan, contact your health plan to help find providers.
Enrollment: If specific enrollment information is not listed for a provider type, see the enrollment page in the MHCP Provider Manual.
MHCP Provider Manual: In addition to sections of the MHCP Provider Manual that pertain specifically to the kind of services you provide, see the Provider Basics sections for general requirements and billing information.
MHCP MN–ITS User Manual provides user guides with step-by-step instructions for using various functions within the MN–ITS system. The MN–ITS User Manual also contains on-demand videos with quick instruction on a concept or technique.
Additional resources for provider types: Community-Based Services Manual (CBSM)
If you are a provider and have questions, call the MHCP Provider Resource Center at 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411.