Recognition of Parentage: The video explains how to establish parentage on your own using the Recognition of Parentage process. The process allows unmarried parents to establish a legal father for their child without going to court.
Minnesota Child Support Parenting Time Calendar Tool, a web page created to help parents, attorneys, and child support professionals count the number of court-ordered overnights each parent has with their children when parents don't live together
Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement helps child support agencies in the states and tribes develop, manage and operate their programs effectively and according to federal law
Minnesota Judicial Branch is the state court system's website that offers many resources, including forms, for families involved in court proceedings
Minnesota Access and Visitation Grant supports counseling, parent education, supervised visitation, and neutral drop-off and pick-up through two contracted agencies. Contact these agencies directly to inquire about visitation services:
FamilyWise - Metro Area (612) 617-0191; Children's Services (612) 877-7821
Note: The Federal Access and Visitation Program provides grants to Minnesota and other states to support and facilitate noncustodial parents' access to and visitation of their children.