Programs and services
Overview of eligibility rules, benefits and application process for home and community services and supports
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Overview of eligibility rules, benefits and application process for home and community services and supports
Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) is a new self-directed home and community-based service that will replace personal care assistance (PCS) and consumer support grant (CSG) services beginning Oct. 1, 2024. More information is available on Community First Services and Supports.
For more information about the CFSS transition, visit the CFSS frequently asked questions webpage.
When CFSS launches, consultation services providers will educate people about CFSS, support them in writing their service delivery plans, review their plans and provide ongoing support as needed. For information about the new CFSS contracted consultation services providers, visit the CFSS consultation services providers webpage.
Consumer-directed community supports (CDCS) is a unique service option that gives you flexibility and responsibility to direct your services and supports. CDCS may include services, supports and items currently available through the Medical Assistance waivers, as well as additional services. Find out more on the Consumer-directed community supports page.
CSG is a state-funded alternative to Medicaid home care services of home health aide, personal care assistance and/or private duty nursing. Through cash grants, the CSG Program provides consumers with greater flexibility and freedom of choice in service selection, payment rates, service delivery specifications and employment of service providers.
More information on the Consumer Support Grant (CSG) Program.
DT&H services include the supervision, training or assistance of a person to develop and maintain life skills, engage in productive and satisfying activities of their own choosing and participate in community life. Services are designed and implemented in accordance with the individual service and individual habilitation plans to help people reach and maintain their highest level of independence, productivity and integration into the community.
More information on Day training and habilitation.
Minnesota is committed to ensuring people with disabilities have opportunities and support to work in competitive, integrated employment. DHS supports an Employment First approach, with employment being the preferred outcome for people with disabilities.
For more information, see Employment First.
Minnesota Department of Human Services offers options that give people more control over the services and supports they receive. Those options expanded on July 1, 2018. Read more on the Enhanced rates or budgets and training stipends for support workers webpage.
Program of supports and services that may be available to you if you need services to live in the community but do not meet eligibility rules for programs available to people who need the level of care provided in a nursing home.
More information on the Essential Community Supports Program.
FSG provides state cash grants to families of children with disabilities. The goal of the program is to prevent or delay the out-of-home placement of children and promote family health and social well being by facilitating access to family-centered services and supports.
More information on the Family Support Grant.
Financial management service providers help people who directly employ service workers. Visit the Financial management service provider information page for a list of approved and enrolled FMS providers, including contact information and fee schedules.
Medicaid HCBS waivers afford states the flexibility to develop and implement community alternatives for Medicaid-eligible people with disabilities and chronic health care needs who would otherwise receive services in a hospital, nursing facility or Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD).
More information on home and community-based service waivers.
Home care offers medical and health-related services and assistance with day-to-day activities to people in their home. Home care can provide short-term care for people moving from a hospital or nursing home back to their home or continuing care to people who have ongoing needs.
More information on home care services.
ICFs/DD are residential facilities licensed to provide services to people with developmental disabilities or a related condition. ICFs/DD are located in 62 counties in Minnesota and serve from four to 64 people.
More information on intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities.
LTCC services provide information, assessment and support planning to help people with disabilities remain in or move to community living.
More information on long-term care consultation for people under age 65.
MA-EPD allows working people with disabilities to qualify for MA under higher income and asset limits than regular MA. The goal of the program is to encourage people with disabilities to work and enjoy the benefits of being employed.
More information on Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities.
The Medical Assistance rehab option consists of two types of mental health services to enhance existing mental health services in Minnesota through expanded support and intervention services in the community.
More information on Medical Assistance rehabilitation option.
MnCHOICES is a computer application used by counties, tribal nations and managed care organizations to support their assessment and support planning work for Minnesotans who need long-term services and supports, regardless of age, type of disability or service needs.
Personal care assistance (PCA) is a Minnesota health care program that provides services to seniors and people with disabilities to help them remain independent in the community. PCA workers provide covered services in a person’s home or in the community.
Relocation service coordination is a type of case management to help people currently residing in eligible institutions who want to move into the community. RSC-TCM helps people plan and arrange for the services and supports they need to live in the community.
More information on relocation service coordination.
SILS include training and assistance to people in managing money, preparing meals, shopping, personal appearance, hygiene and other activities needed to maintain and improve the capacity of a person with a diagnosis of developmental disability to live in the community. A goal of SILS is to support people in ways that will enable them to achieve personally desired outcomes and lead self-directed lives.
More information on semi-independent living services.