All administrative rules in the state of Minnesota are codified by chapter in Minnesota Rules. Rules of the Department of Human Services begin at Chapter 9500 and end at Chapter 9585. Each chapter has rule parts and each rule part has an eight-digit part number (e.g., part 9506.0010). Typically, a series of rule parts all relating to the same matter is referred to as a rule and is identified by the beginning and ending eight-digit numbers in the series of rule parts (e.g., Minnesota Rules, parts 9506.0010 to 9506.0400 govern how the MinnesotaCare program is administered.)
DHS also has an informal numbering system for rules. For example, parts 9506.0010 to 9506.0400 are known informally as “Rule 100”. DHS informal rule numbers and their corresponding eight-digit part numbers are as follows:
DHS' informal number system has caused confusion among many people who are not familiar with it. To help translate what informal number corresponds to which rule number, the rules conversion chart was developed below.
On the left-hand side, you will see the informal rule number. To the right of the colon, you will see the official rule number and the rule's title. The informal rule numbers are listed in numeric order.
For a more elaborate explanation of these rules, download Description of rules already in effect (PDF).
Rule 1: Parts 9545.0010 - 9545.0260, Licensure of Family Foster Care and Group Family Foster Care
Note: Repealed in 2004
Rule 2: Parts 9502.0300 - 9502.0445, Licensing of Day Care Facilities-Family and Group Family Day Care
Rule 3: Parts 9503.0005 - 9503.0170, Child Care Center Licensing
Rule 4: Parts 9545.0755 - 9545.0845, Licensure of Private Agencies that Provide Foster Care and Adoption Services
Rule 5: Parts 9545.0905 - 9545.1125, Licensure of Residential Treatment Programs for Children with Severe Emotional Disturbance
Note: Repealed in 2005
Rule 6: Parts 9545.1200 - 9545.1320, Materinty Shelters
Note: Repealed in 2005
Rule 8: Parts 9545.1400 - 9545.1480, Group Homes
Note: Repealed in 2005
Rule 9: Parts 9545.2000 - 9545.2040, Day Care an Residential Programs Licensing Fees
Note: Repealed in 2003
Rule 12: Parts 9535.2000 - 9535.3000, Residential Services for Adult Mentally Ill Persons
Rule 13: Parts 9543.0010 - 9543.0150, Family Day Care and Adult and Child Foster Care
Rule 15: Parts 9535.4000 - 9535.4070, Family Community Support Services
Rule 16: Parts 9515.0200 - 9515.0700, Administration of Specified Therapies to State Hospital Patients
Rule 17: Parts 9543.1000 - 9543.1060, Generic Licensing Rule
Note: Repealed in 2004
Rule 20: Parts 9525.0900 - 9525.1020, Grants for Providing Semi-Independent Living Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Rule 24: Parts 9530.6800 - 9530.7031, Rules to Govern Implementation of the Chemical Dependency Consolidated Treatment Fund
Rule 25: Parts 9530.6600 - 9530.6655, Chemical Dependency Care for Public Assistance Recipients
Rule 26: Parts 9515.3000-9515.3110, Licensure of the Minnesota Sexual Psychopathic Personality Treatment Center
Rule 27: Parts 9515.1000 - 9515.2600, Reimbursement for Cost of Care of Patients and Residents in State Facilities
Rule 28: Parts 9520.0010 - 9520.0230, Community Mental Health Services
Rule 29: Parts 9520.0750 - 9520.0870, Mental Health Center and Mental Health Clinic Standards
Rule 30: Parts 9525.1200 - 9525.1330, Training and Habilitation Reimbursement Procedures for ICFs/DD
Rule 31: Parts 9530.6405-9530.6505, Chemical Dependency Licensed Treatment Facilities
Rule 32: Parts 9530.6510-9530.6590, Detoxification Programs
Rule 35: Parts 9530.4100 - 9530.4450, Licensure of Chemically Dependency Rehabilitation Programs
Note: Repealed in 2005
Rule 36: Parts 9520.0500 - 9520.0670, Licensing of Residential Facilities for Adults who are Mentally Ill
Rule 38: Parts 9525.1580, Licensure of Training and Habilitation Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Related Conditions
Note: Repealed in 2014
Rule 40: Parts 9525.2700 - 9525.2810, Use of Aversive and Deprivation Procedures in Licensed Facilities Serving Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Rule 41: Parts 9525.1800 - 9525.1930, Funding and Administration of Home and Community-Based Service
Rule 43: Parts 9530.5000 - 9530.6500, Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Programs
Note: Repealed in 2005
Rule 45: Parts 9510.2000 - 9510.2050, Medical Care Surcharge
Rule 47: Parts 9505.0010 - 9505.0140, Medical Assistance (MA): Eligibility Policy
Rule 47: Parts 9505.0170 - 9505.0475, Medical Assistance (MA): Provider Services
Rule 48: Parts 9505.0501 - 9505.0545, Hospital Admission Certification
Rule 50: Parts 9549.0010 - 9549.0080, Nursing Facility Payment Rates
Rule 53: Parts 9553.0010 - 9553.0080, Payment: Intermediate Care Facilities
Rule 54: Parts 9500.1090 - 9500.1140, Hospital Medical Assistance Reimbursement
Rule 56: Parts 9500.1650 - 9500.1663, Commissioner's Consent to Paternity Suit Settlements
Rule 61: Parts 9505.1693 - 9505.1748, Child and Teen Checkups - formerly Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT)
Rule 62: Parts 9500.1450 - 9500.1464, Administration of Prepaid Medical Assistance Program
Rule 64: Parts 9505.2160 - 9505.2245, Surveillance and Integrity Review Program
Rule 68: Parts 9505.5000 - 9505.5105, Conditions for Medical Assistance and General Assistance Medical Care Payment
Rule 70: Parts 9505.3500 - 9505.3700, Community Alternatives for Chronically Ill Individuals under Age 65
Note: Repealed in 2003
Rule 71: Parts 9505.3010 - 9505.3140, Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals under Age 65
Note: Repealed in 2003
Rule 74: Parts 9505.0491, subps. 7,8, Determining Statewide Medical Assistance Hourly Payment Amount for Case Management Services for Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness and Children with Severe Mental Illness
Note: Repealed in 2006
Rule 78: Parts 9535.1700 - 9535.1760, Grants for Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children with Severe Emotional Disturbance and Their Families and Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness
Rule 79: Parts 9520.0900 - 9520.0926, Mental Health Case Management Services
Rule 80: Parts 9570.2000 - 9570.3400, Residential Programs and Services for Physically Disabled
Rule 82: Parts 9585.0010 - 9585.0040, Gambling Assessments
Rule 100: Parts 9506.0010 - 9506.0400, Administration of MinnesotaCare
Rule 101: Parts 9505.5200-9505.5240, Department Health Care Program Participation Requirements for Vendors and Health Maintenance Organizations
Rule 160: Parts 9550.0010 - 9550.0092, Administration of Community Social Services
Note: Repealed in 2003
Rule 161: Parts 9560.0350 - 9560.0370, Interstate Placement of Children for Foster Care
Rule 162: Parts 9550.6200 - 9550.6240, Parental Fees for Care of Children
Rule 163: Parts 9550.0300 - 9550.0370, Title IV-E AND XIX Funding Allocation
Rule 171: Parts 9560.0410 - 9560.0485, Children in Need of Protection or Services
Rule 175: Parts 9525.3010 - 9525.3100, Public Guardianship of Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Rule 185: Parts 9525.0004 - 9525.0036, Case Management Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Rule 186: Parts 9510.1020 - 9510.1140, Special Needs Rate Exception for Very Dependent Persons with Special Needs
Rule 195: Parts 9555.0100 - 9555.1600, Senior Companion Program
Rule 200: Parts 9560.0010 - 9560.0180, Adoption
Rule 203: Parts 9555.5105 - 9555.6265, Adult Foster Care Services and Licensure of Adult Foster Homes
Rule 204: Parts 9560.0500 - 9560.0670, Foster Care for Children
Rule 206: Parts 9565.1000 - 9565.1300, Homemaking Services
Rule 207: Parts 9560.0210 - 9560.0234, Protective Services for Children
Rule 221: Parts 9555.7100 - 9555.7600, Protective Services to Vulnerable Adults
Rule 222: Parts 9555.9000 - 9555.9300, Services to Mothers and Pregnant Women
Rule 223: Parts 9555.9600 - 9555.9730, Adult Day Care Center or Adult Day Services Center Licensure
Rule 490-841: Parts 9575.0010 - 9575.1580, Merit System
Rule 2045: Parts 9560.0850, State Goal for Number of Children in Foster Care