Collaborative Intensive Bridging Services
Collaborative Intensive Bridging Services Overview (PDF)
Collaborative Intensive Bridging Services Map (PDF)
Collaborative Intensive Bridging Services (CIBS) is an intensive treatment program designed to serve children ages 8 to 17 and their families in circumstances where community-based services have not been sufficient to meet the child’s safety and mental health. The CIBS model of treatment combines intensive in-home therapy with a brief, intensive residential treatment facility placement. This model is based on research that indicates children are best treated with their family in the environments in which they live and interact. The total length of treatment is six to nine months.
Service implementation goals for CIBS:
- Stabilize a child’s behavior so that they are able to live in their home and access community-based services
- Help develop parenting, communication, and relational skills that support a youth and promote a family’s ability to function
- Improve a family’s ability to effectively manage any crises
- Provide seamless coordination of care to a family to minimize multiple service providers across differing stages of treatment
Two system of care counties have experience in implementing CIBS and are leading the way for newer counties. Currently, counties new to CIBS are in the assessment and training phase of CIBS. The service is now being implemented in new regions. Counties piloting Collaborative Intensive Bridging include: Dakota, Clay, Crow Wing, Grant, Otter Tail, Goodhue, MN Prairie (Waseca, Steele, Dodge), Olmsted and Pope.