Child protection, foster care, adoption: eDocs, forms and documents
This page has links to some of the most frequently used forms, brochures, applications and other items from eDocs, the department's digital library.
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This page has links to some of the most frequently used forms, brochures, applications and other items from eDocs, the department's digital library.
Home Study Agency Process Checklist DHS-4258C should be used when completing and documenting the home study process.
Other frequently used forms:
To complete or update an assessment, use the Minnesota Adoption and Foster Care Home Study Assessment DHS-4258D, or the Minnesota Adoption and Child Foster Care Home Study Assessment Update DHS-4258E.
Current and former foster youth can get up to $5,000 per school year for post-secondary education at colleges, universities, vocational, technical or trade schools. The Minnesota Education and Training Voucher (ETV) provides the funds.
For more information about the program is one the Education and Training Voucher Program ETV page, or contact; or 651-431-4663.
Although strides have been made to lessen discrimination against minority sexual orientations, there remains both a lack of knowledge about, and some active negative bias towards those who identify on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally spectrum. The Working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning/queer youth DHS-6500 (PDF) practice guide is intended to increase the awareness, knowledge and skills of social workers and administrators in the child welfare system so they may effectively and competently meet the needs of LGBTQA youth and their families.
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