The child support office may charge a fee for services. Federal law requires states to collect $35 every year for eligible child support cases. This $35 fee is in addition to other fees, such as the cost recovery fee.
Minnesota's child support program will charge the custodial parent the $35 fee each year if both of the following are true:
The child support program collects this fee once a year. It is kept from support collected from the parent owing support before the payment is sent to the other parent. A parent who has more than one eligible case may pay more than one federal fee.
The program uses the federal fiscal year, October 1 through September 30 of the following year, to determine when it has processed $550 in support payments in an eligible case.
The child support program will not charge the fee if any of the following are true:
Custodial parents who applied for child support services and do not receive public assistance can ask to have their case closed if they do not want to pay the federal annual fee.
State laws can be found on the Minnesota Office of the Revisor website.