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Many people with disabilities want opportunities to be part of the general workforce. Minnesota works to help people with disabilities find competitive, integrated employment. DHS supports an Employment First approach.

Microgrant boosts entrepreneur’s lawn, snow service

3/2/2018 12:23:41 PM

John Schultz

Josh “Schultze” Schultz has been mowing grass, shoveling and snow blowing for as long as he can remember – over 15 years, in fact. Last summer, he decided to make it a career by founding Schultze’s Lawn & Snow Service.

“I’ve had other jobs that I’ve done and it didn’t seem to work out,” Schultz said. “I just decided that it was good idea to start up my own business, be my own boss.”

One of the first steps for any aspiring entrepreneur is securing the capital necessary to launch the business, something Schultz has invested plenty of time in.

With some help from staff at Lifeworks, an organization serving people with disabilities, Schultz applied for a grant through the Minnesota Microgrant Partnership, which is administered by The Arc Minnesota and funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

The program is designed to support people with disabilities who have financial barriers to achieving their goals. In Schultz’s case, his dreams of being an entrepreneur were held back by his need for viable equipment.

After receiving a $500 microgrant, Schultz purchased a new leaf blower that he expects will make a big difference in the efficiency of his work.

Schultz has other dreams and plans for his business, including purchasing other equipment, marketing and expanding, all the while ensuring jobs are done with quality and care.

“I love being my own boss,” Schultz said.

Schultze’s Lawn & Snow Service serves Cottage Grove, Newport, St. Paul Park, and the surrounding area. Contact Josh at 651-900-0856 for more information.

For information about the microgrant program go to or contact the Minnesota Microgrant Partnership at 651-604-8070 or

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