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Open grants, RFPs and RFIs

Learn about grants, requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for information (RFIs) issued by the Department of Human Services (DHS). Responders may need to meet certain criteria or use DHS templates in preparing a proposal. To receive an email when new opportunities become available, subscribe to the Grants and RFPs email list.

Click on a headline to view a grant, RFP or RFI. You can also view select opportunities by clicking on a category or tag on the right side of the page . 

DHS is seeking to provide emergency shelter, drop-in/day shelter or street outreach through the Emergency Services Program.

Proposals Due: April 7, 2025

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DHS is seeking to provide emergency shelter, drop-in/day shelter or street outreach through the Emergency Services Program.
DHS, through its Homelessness, Housing, and Support Services Administration, is seeking Proposals to provide emergency shelter, drop-in/day shelter or street outreach for individuals and families experiencing homelessness with funding from the Emergency Services Program. 
The term of any resulting contract is anticipated to be 24 months, from July 2025 until June 30, 2027. 
  • /dhs/assets/2025-rfp-006-4-7-25-HHS-EmergShelterProgramFY26-27-2-24-25_tcm1053-670411.docxRFP to provide emergency shelter, drop-in/day shelter or street outreach through the Emergency Services Program. (DOC)
  • /dhs/assets/2025-rfp-006-4-7-25-HHS-EmergShelterProgramAppPackage-2-24-25_tcm1053-670400.docxRFP Application Package 



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