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Minnesota county human service cost report

The Minnesota County Human Service Cost Report is an annual publication that combines county fiscal activity and the Minnesota Department of Human Services' centralized fiscal activity on behalf of counties.

It is the "big picture" of statewide county human services fiscal activity and is designed to present a fair and consistent representation of the costs and revenue sources involved in providing human service programs administered by the counties and supervised by DHS.

The report contains data on total human service fiscal activity as well as detailed data on the three major program divisions - Support, Health and Social Services. In addition to expense and revenue data, the report also provides notes and technical remarks, graphical overviews, trend data and per-capita comparative data. 

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Minnesota County Human Service Cost Report for CY2019 (PDF)

Calendar year (CY) 2019 costs and revenue shares are generally in line with projections and economic conditions even with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall spending on human service programs decreased by $376M (-2.38 percent) which is a decrease from the  $1.3B (+8.66 percent) increase in CY2018. 

Last Modified: 5/24/2021 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Reports, Tags: 2019,
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