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Elderly Waiver info, right when you need it

1/31/2020 9:02:22 AM

Helping to move family or friends into assisted living can be a complicated, even emotional process. Sometimes financial commitments are made without the right information in hand. A new brochure attempts to close that information gap. 

Elderly Waiver services in assisted living: What you need to know (PDF) is a guide for people considering moving to or already living in assisted living. The 6-page brochure explains topics, such as:

  • How to apply for the Elderly Waiver (EW) program 
  • The requirement to have a certain level of need for services
  • Financial eligibility requirements
  • Income and asset protection for a married spouse
  • Rules about transferring assets to family members
  • Choosing services and providers, such as assisted living providers
  • What other EW services other than assisted living that may be available
  • What EW participants can expect while on the program, including how to stay eligible to receive services.

For more information, see the /dhs/people-we-serve/seniors/services/home-community/programs-and-services/elderly-waiver.jspElderly Waiver webpage or call the Senior LinkAge Line at 800-333-2433.

Elderly Waiver

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