Workgroup Lead:
Lynn Blewett
Sen. Benson, Lynn Blewett, Danette Coleman, Phillip Cryan, Liz Doyle, Molly Jungbauer, Sheila Kiscaden, Sen. Lourey, Peter Nelson, Commissioner Mike Rothman, and Rep. Schultz.
Workgroup coordinator:
Stacie Weeks (DHS),
Agency support staff:
Darcy Miner (MDH); Kristin Kelly (MNsure); Katie Burns (MNsure); Peter Brickwedde (COM); Lindsay McLaughlin (COM); and Ahna Minge (MMB)
The workgroup will examine opportunities for providing and financing a seamless, affordable and financially stable coverage continuum in Minnesota. As provided under Minn. Session Laws 2015, Chap. 71, Art. 11, Section 62, options may include, but are not limited to, the following:
The workgroup will assess options for aligning the financing and governance of operational and resource components for insurance affordability programs-including Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare, and advanced premium tax credits used to buy an ACA-compliant commercial insurance product. The workgroup will consider the impact of recommendations on the ability of families to maintain adequate and affordable coverage as they move up the income ladder. Recommendations should take into consideration the transparency and accountability of programs.
The workgroup will describe how their recommendations impact health disparities in Minnesota-including disparities related to one's geographical location, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and/or disability-as well their impact on Minnesota's efforts to meet the goals of the Triple Aim (improving patient experience and health outcomes, along with lowering health care costs).
Initial workgroup recommendations on a seamless coverage continuum and market stability are due to the Task Force on October 23, 2015. Initial workgroup recommendations on overall financing and governance of operational and resource components of programs are due to the Task Force on December 4, 2015. Final Task Force recommendations are due on January 8, 2016.