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Special Needs BasicCare directory


SNBC is a voluntary managed care program for people with certified disabilities who are 18-64 years old and have Medical Assistance (MA). SNBC members have a Care Coordination service designed to meet enrollee’s health care needs by coordinating efforts across different providers and services. Enrollees can refuse care coordination services. There are two different SNBC plan types available for people to choose from: 

SNBC Non-integrated (SNBC-NI) health plan: Medical Assistance only. People choosing to enroll in this option get their MA-only health services authorized and paid for through the health plan. Their waiver and PCA services are authorized and paid for through Fee-For-Service (straight Medical Assistance). 

Integrated SNBC (I-SNBC) health plan:  Medical Assistance + Medicare. People enrolled in this option get both their Medical Assistance health care service and Medicare services, including Part D coverage in one plan. Their waiver and PCA services are authorized and paid for through Fee-For-Services (straight Medical Assistance). 

Use this Special Needs BasicCare directory to find which plans are available to you in your county of residence. If you need help enrolling into or disenrolling from a Medical Assistance + Medicare plan, contact the health plan directly. If you need help discussing your options, enrolling or disenrolling from a Medical Assistance only plan, contact Disability Hub MN at 866-333-2466 or online at There are additional SNBC resources at the bottom of this page.

Additional Resources

Contact Disability Hub MN at 866-333-2466 or online at to learn more about your options.

If you have been asked to choose an SNBC health plan, it is optional. If you don't want to enroll, you can opt out of the program by completing the opt out form (DHS-6451) (PDF) .

The SNBC Health Plan Coverage brochure (DHS-6301) (PDF) provides an overview of the program and answers frequently asked questions.

The Guide to SNBC enrollment (DHS-5567-ENG) (PDF) has information about benefits and things to think about when choosing a health plan.

The Managed Care Summary of Coverage, Cost Sharing and Limits for Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC) (DHS-4868B-ENG) (PDF) provides an overview of coverage, cost sharing and limits.

The Special Needs BasicCare Spenddown Fact Sheet (DHS-5373-ENG) (PDF) explains how Medical Assistance spenddowns work for people enrolled in SNBC.

The SNBC rights notice (DHS-3214D) (PDF)  explains your rights and responsibilities. It also has information about filing an appeal or requesting a state fair hearing if you disagree with a decision made by a health plan.

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