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Licensed Child Care Center E-learning

Policies and Procedures


Slide 2 — Policies and procedures

A resource titled DHS Guidelines for Developing Policies and Procedures (DHS-4719) (PDF) exists to help applicants and license holders better understand, develop, and maintain compliance with policy and procedure requirements. It can be found under the Forms and other Documents section of the Licensed Child Care Centers webpage

Slide 3 – Guidelines for developing policies and procedures

Slide 10 — Separation from the group

The DHS Separation Report form (DHS-5862) (PDF) can be found under the Forms and Documents section of the Licensed Child Care Centers webpage.


Slide 11 – Emergency and accident policies and records

Slide 12 — Health policies and health consultant requirement

Child Care Wayfinder is a one-stop navigation system designed to help start and grow child care in Minnesota.

Slide 14 – Maltreatment of Minors Mandated Reporting policy

The required Maltreatment of Minors Mandated Reporting policy form (DHS-7634A) (PDF) can be found under the Forms and Documents section of the Licensed Child Care Centers webpage.


Slide 15 – Risk reduction plan

Slide 17 – Naps and rest policy

The Guidelines for Developing Policies and Procedures (DHS-4719) (PDF) form is a resource available under the Forms and other Documents section of the Licensed Child Care Centers webpage.

Slide 26 – DHS forms and resources

DHS Child Care Center Licensing webpage


Slide 27 – Additional support for policy development

Child Care Wayfinder

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