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Manager and supervisor toolkit

Recognition, no matter how big or small, makes employees feel seen and their contributions noticed, and they are more motivated to get involved and engage within their workplace.

Ways to engage with your team

  • Get to know members of your team.
  • Make recognition an agenda item at regularly scheduled meetings.
  • End staff meetings with kudos, brief praise or recognition of something special someone has done.
  • Create a culture of learning.
  • Acknowledge individual success and contributions verbally or in written thank you notes.
  • Recognize small accomplishments and celebrate the completion of large projects.
  • Encourage team members to share and recognize others. Urge your team to share recognition on the kudo board.
  • Take a break, explore the benefits of movement.

Share values of your organization

Consider sharing the core values and vision of your organization here.
An EXAMPLE from Minnesota Department of Human Services is below.

Core values of DHS:

  • The department's core values are the touchstones for our decisions. Our core values are:
  • We focus on people, not programs.
  • We provide ladders up and safety nets for the people we serve.
  • We work in partnership with others; we cannot do it alone.
  • We are accountable for results, first to the people we serve, and ultimately to all Minnesotans.
  • We practice these shared values in an ethical environment where integrity, trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, diversity, justice, fairness and caring are of paramount importance.

DHS employee vision statement:

When all employees are embraced, respected and heard, we will build a collaborative, equitable, inclusive and anti-racist culture where we all thrive.

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